Know More About Date Palm Pollen:
- Contains fatty acids and high levels of vitamin C, making it a natural moisturizer for the skin that protects it from dryness, nourishes the skin, and makes the skin naturally radiant and fresh. It also helps remove dead skin cells.
- Fights the signs of premature aging and acquires a youthful and radiant complexion. In addition, it is a natural antioxidant, thus stimulating the production of natural collagen in the skin.
- Contains high levels of calcium and zinc, which gives it the therapeutic ability to strengthen nails and prevent them from breaking. Its omega-3 content also increases the shine of the nails and their natural growth.
- Treats hair problems and strengthens and reduces hair loss, as it contains a high iron content, thus treating anemia. Its effectiveness has been proven in improving blood circulation to strengthen the follicles, which increases the beauty of the hair.
- Treats cases of chronic headache and protects the body from internal bleeding.
- Improves overall body health and enhances energy and vitality.
- Is beneficial in regulating cholesterol levels in the blood and regulating blood circulation.
- Strengthens the memory and stimulates neural processes and works to improve brain performance.
- Increases the density of semen and treats male infertility.
- Enhances sexual potency and desire for men. It is effective treatment for frigidity and sexual apathy for both sexes.
- Regulates vaginal secretion rates in both sexes and stimulates their desire.
- Treats vaginal dryness and helps women suffering from painful intercourse.
- Adding palm pollen to the diet facilitates childbirth and strengthens the muscles of the uterus.
- It is a natural diuretic for breast milk and contributes to the production of the required quantities of nutritious milk for the baby.
- A natural treatment for cases of infertility and increases the fertility rate, as it increases the rates of ovulation and maintains the viscosity of the uterus.
- Helps you relieve the symptoms of menopause and menopause, as it raises estrogen levels in the body.
- Treats anemia during pregnancy, thus maintaining the health of bones and teeth during pregnancy..